I know what you're thinking. Not another F-'ing blog about Microsoft Flight Simulator! How many of these self-indulgent and pompously boring online "diaries" must we endure?!
Well, I hope you can bear with just one more because the goal of this particular self-indulgent and pompously boring online diary is going to be to hopefully provide flight simulation enthusiasts (flight simmers) of all levels some practical, real world advice they can apply to Microsoft Flight Simulator to increase their enjoyment of the software as it was intended.
I am going to cover basic areas like what kind of hardware someone thinking about getting into MS Flight Simulator (FS2004/FSX) should consider if they want a smooth and visually pleasing flying experience along with not so basic areas like how to maximize your flying time when time is limited due to real world constraints.
Lastly, if it isn't blatantly obvious by now, I am going to focus on Microsoft Flight Simulator as opposed to X-Plane, or other flight simulation titles. The main reason is not only do I prefer MS Flight Simulator, but I am (obviously) more familiar with it as well. However, this does not mean I think MS Flight Simulator is superior to other flight simulation software. All flight simulation software has its strengths and weaknesses just like any other desktop application. I just feel the Microsoft Flight Simulator Series are the most user friendly and provide a very enjoyable flying experience compared to other titles I have tried over the years.
What This Blog Is Not
This blog will not consist of "how to" tutorials for specific aviation procedures, or specific aircraft operating techniques. There are countless tutorial blogs and videos (YouTube) online that cover in-depth "training" such as this and they do a much better job than I ever could.
This blog will not be a continuously updated news site for news about the flight sim world.
This blog will also not not be a review site for third-party addons released for Microsoft Flight Simulator. There are far more knowledgeable sites for those kinds of in-depth reviews.
In closing, I just want to thank whomever might be reading for sticking with this blog, however long or short its lifespan may be. I am not a professional pilot by any stretch of the imagination, nor will I ever claim to be. I am simply a MS Flight Simulator enthusiast who wants to share what I consider is in-depth knowledge about this wonderful piece of software, so other flight simmers can get the most out of it, too.